Back ailments can be very unpleasant. If they affect the cervical spine, complications in the spinal cord and brain are likely. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine often causes headaches, changes in the functioning of internal organs, and circulatory disturbances.
Doctors divide the development of cervical osteochondrosis into three stages. In the first and second stages, degenerative dystrophic changes appear in the vertebral discs (drying, flattening). In this case, the structure of the discs themselves does not change.

In the early stage, symptoms of the disease are just beginning to appear. In the second stage, its manifestation is more specific, as it intensifies with head movements, severe fatigue and stress. The third stage is the appearance of pathological processes of the vertebral disc (osteophytes), there is a rupture of the fibrous ring, which leads to prolapse of the vertebral disc nucleus and, consequently, to the formation of a hernia of the cervical spine. In the third stage, pain is observed continuously, while head and shoulder movements are difficult, the person is not able to perform standard household operations.
One of the main symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is pain in the back of the neck, caused by pinching or inflammation of the nerve roots. In this case, the pain usually radiates to the neck, shoulder, forearm and under the scapula. The pain can spread to the left or right hand and cause some fingers to go numb.
In addition to pain, cervical osteochondrosis is characterized by:
- dizziness,
- "Flies" before the eyes,
- hearing deficiency
- decreased memory
- headache with location in the back of the head and temples.
If the disease lasts for several years, then vascular atherosclerosis and dyscirculatory encephalopathy (a serious decrease in mental capacity) can be added to it.
With a circular movement of the head, a patient with cervical osteochondrosis usually hears a characteristic snap.
The reasons
The main cause of cervical osteochondrosis is the incorrect position of the body in a sitting position. In addition, when performing daily operations leaning forward, during works and repairs with the head thrown back, it is also easy to acquire the symptoms of the disease. This is due to the fact that excessive stress on the neck can alter the structure of the cartilaginous tissues, which can lead to pathological changes in the intervertebral discs. In addition, the reasons for the development of cervical osteochondrosis may be a violation of the body's calcium metabolism, hereditary factors, trauma, severe hypothermia and increased participation in sports.
It is possible to completely cure and prevent the new development of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine only with a complete change in lifestyle, constant prophylaxis and spa treatment. In practice, few people achieve this.
In the first stage of development of osteochondrosis, the patient is usually helped by conservative non-drug treatment. At the same time, it is necessary to correct posture, pay more attention to the correct equipment in the workplace, and often interrupt for simple physical therapy exercises. Swimming, increased physical activity, and intake of vitamin and mineral complexes can have a positive effect on the entire musculoskeletal system.
In the case where treatment was started in the second or third stages of the disease, the main task is pain relief. In advanced cases, surgical methods of treatment may be prescribed to stabilize the damaged vertebrae, but such cases are individual and modern physical therapy often helps to prevent this.
physiotherapy methods
In cases where drug therapy is contraindicated or has not demonstrated the necessary positive effect, classical and alternative medicine physical therapy methods are used in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis. First, they aim to eliminate muscle spasms, inflammation and pain.
Reflexology.The essence of the method is to stimulate biologically active points by introducing special fine needles to a certain depth. The procedure is painful and helps relieve back pain. A complete reflexology course consists of several sessions.
Massage.The classic method for eliminating muscle pain and improving blood flow.
Shock wave therapy (SWT).It is able to restore blood flow and eliminate osteophytes, restore the normal structure of cartilage tissue. The positive effect is seen after 1–2 sessions. The course of shockwave therapy is usually up to ten procedures and can be prescribed as part of a complex therapy.
Physiotherapy. A series of specific daily exercises helps to strengthen the muscles in the cervical spine, which, in turn, can reduce stress in that area. Physical therapy is indicated for all stages of the disease, in addition to being a preventive measure. A set of such exercises might include:
- turns of the head to the sides;
- head tilted back and forth;
- lifting the shoulders;
- alternating tension of the neck flexors and extensors with a stationary head position.
Exercises should be repeated 5 to 7 times. Lesson duration is 15 to 20 minutes.
The set of exercises is always selected by specialist physiotherapists, taking into account the specifics of the disease and the patient's condition.
Food and lifestyle. Both in the conservative treatment process and in the postoperative period, it is recommended to eat foods rich in calcium and vitamins, to correct postures and usual postures in general, orthopedic pillows and mattresses.
It is necessary, if possible, to avoid hypothermia and infectious diseases, to stay for a long time at the computer in one position. If you're going on a long trip, use a cervical support pillow that reduces muscle tension. For daily sleep, it is recommended to use orthopedic pillows and a mattress to ensure the correct positioning of the head.